Language Arts
Name 26 capital letters
Produce 26 letter sounds
Name 26 lowercase letters
Read 24 high frequency words
Name and describe the four flat shapes: circle, square, triangle, and rectangle
Sort objects by color, shape, and size
Identify numbers 0-20
Count objects to 10
Rote count to 30
Identify and create patterns (AB, ABC, AABB)
Measurement: length, capacity, weight
Write numbers to 10
Compare numbers up to 10.
Using manipulatives be able to do simple addition and subtraction up to 10.
Write first and last name
Write 52 letters (lowercase and capital)
Write a complete sentence with a capital, fingerspacing, phonetic spelling, correctly spelled high frequency words, and a punctuation mark at the end.)
Draw a figure with the correct body parts: head, body, arms, legs, etc.
Color with a minimum of five colors
Fine Motor
Hold a pencil with proper grip
Can correctly hold a pair of scissors and use them to complete assignments.
Understands and practices scissor safety.
Tie own shoes
Shares and takes turns
Waits turn
Consistently listens and follows classroom rules