Governing Board
Ms. Barbara Avalos was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2008. Currently serving as Board Clerk, Ms. Avalos is a lifetime resident and active member of the National City Community. Her present term expires in December 2026.
Ms. Maria Betancourt-Castañeda was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2014. Ms. Betancourt-Castañeda is a dedicated parent in the District and local youth advocate. She is a graduate of Masters in Governance, an involved member of the National Association for Latino Elected Officials, and is passionate about quality parent engagement. Ms. Betancourt-Castañeda is a lifetime resident and active member of the National City Community. Her present term expires in December 2026.
Ms. Michelle Gates was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2020. Currently serving as Board President, Ms. Gates has been a teacher for 15 years and is currently teaching eighth grade in the South Bay area. Her children attended the National School District, where Ms. Gates volunteered with PTA and School Site Council, as well as taught for four years. She is a graduate of Masters in Governance. She is a passionate advocate for students and teachers. Ms. Gates and her family moved to National City in 2002. Her present term expires in December 2028.
Ms. Cindy López was first elected to the Governing Board in November 2024. Her present term expires in December 2028. Ms. López is a community organizer and active resident of the National City community. She is a graduate of San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. She currently serves as the Secretary to the National City Library Board of Trustees and Troop Leader to Girl Scouts Troop #6369. She is a graduate of the RISE San Diego Urban Leadership Fellows Program and current student of the Masters of Governance program. She is an educator with over a decade of experience in the classroom, from grades preschool to high school, with kindergarten being one of her favorite grades to teach. Ms. López loves to connect with her National City neighbors, read many chapter books, sing at her local church, and dance ballet folklorico. She and her daughter enjoy eating pho and going to events within the National City community.
Ms. Alma Sarmiento was first elected to the Governing Board in November 1992 and strongly supports expanded learning opportunities for all students. Ms. Sarmiento is a graduate of Masters in Governance. She has served on the Board of Directors of the National City Chamber of Commerce, National City Boys and Girls Club, South Bay YMCA, and the American Cancer Society. She is Past-President of Paradise Valley Hospital's Partners for Prevention Coalition and Executive Director of the Sweetwater High School Alumni Association. She is the recipient of the Key to the City from the Mayor and City Council for her work with the youth and Community of National City, the Congressional Citizen of the Month Award, as well as the Optimist Club Volunteer of the Year Award. Ms. Sarmiento is a lifetime resident and an active member of the National City Community. Her present term expires in December 2026.