The Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) is a seven-member advisory panel appointed by the Governing Board. It monitors the implementation of Measure HH. The oversight committee includes parents and community members as well as a representative from the San Diego County Taxpayers' Association.
Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Members
Eleanor Juanita Evans, Taxpayer Association Member
Malia M. Fraser, Parent/Teacher Organization Member
Cheryl Howrey-Colmenero, Community Member At-Large Member
Lori Anne Peoples, Business Organization Representative
Mary Anne Stro, Ed.D., Senior Citizens' Organization Representative
VACANT: Community Member At-Large
VACANT: Parent/Teacher Organization Member
Bond Rating: Aa3
Contact Information
National School District, 1500 N Avenue, National City, CA 91910
email: cboc@nsd.us
District contact: Evelyn Sanchez 619-336-7710 esanchez@nsd.us
Financial and Performance Audits - FY 2022-23 (There are no findings, new recommendations, or unresolved prior recommendations founds in the current audit report.)
Financial and Performance Audits - FY 2021-22