The Wellness Policy
The health and wellness of National School District students is critical to the success they have in the classroom and in life. The Wellness Policy is a comprehensive guideline to regulate healthy eating and healthy living while students are on campus and for the promotion of such behaviors when they are on their own. Please check the links below for more information regarding the National School District Wellness Policy.
Wellness Committee
The National School District (District) has an existing Wellness Committee. The Wellness Committee membership is ideally comprised of Parents, Principals, Child Nutrition Services, Health Services, Teachers, District Administrators, and representatives of local and state hunger and welfare agencies. The Wellness Committee works to assist in developing, implementing, monitoring, and revising the District's Wellness Policy and the goals as related to the District's Strategic Plan. Triennial assessments are conducted and available upon request from the Child Nutrition Services Department.
The Wellness Committee Meetings are held in the National School District Board Room from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. If you would like to be added to the Wellness Committee mailing list, please email Jannet Valdes Ramirez at jvaldesramirez@nsd.us.
- Healthy Fundraising Brochure English
- Healthy Fundraising Brochure Spanish
- Healthy School Snacks
- NSD Wellness Brochure English
- NSD Wellness Brochure Spanish
- NSD Wellness Policy
- NSD Wellness Summary
- Sources for Fundraising
- List of Approved Snacks English
- List of Approved Snacks Spanish
- Triennial Assessment